‘Our Time’ Exhibition Extended + Final Walk-Thru with the Antonio Serna
Antonio Serna
‘Documents of Resistance: Our Time’
Exhibition extended to Friday November 30th.
**Final exhibition walk-thru with artist Antonio Serna will be held Wednesday, November 28 at 5:30pm. (Just before the panel @6:00 PM)**
Loisaida Center Inc.
710 East 9th Street, NYC (google map) | Monday–Friday 11 AM–5 PM
‘Documents of Resistance: Our Time’ has been extended until the end of November. The extension will coincide with another relevant panel at the Loisaida Center. On Wednesday, November 28th, Nandini Bagchee will be discussing her new book Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side. Relevant to ‘Documents of Resistance’ is her research on CHARAS/El Bohio, one of the three counter institutions covered in her book. “El Bohio was a metaphoric “hut” that envisioned the Puerto Rican Community as a steward of the environment” (from the book description). CHARAS, an acronym for its' founding members (C)hino, (H)umberto, (A)ngelo, (R)oy, (A)nthony and (S)al, and the institution CHARAS/El Bohio has an amazing and long history of community self-determination and planning within the Puerto Rican community since at least 1964 known then as the Real Society Group. The other two sites discussed in her book are ABC No Rio and The Peace Pentagon (home for several groups including War Resisters League, Paper Tiger Television, Deep Dish Television, Met Council, Nicaragua Action Network, and others.)
Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side (book talk)
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
The Loisaida, Inc. Center 710 East 9th Street, NYC (google map)
Facebook Event Page: facebook.com/events/160822594861319
**Pre-Event: Exhibition walk-thru with artist Antonio Serna at 5:30pm.**